Sunday, 24 July 2011

Record breaking week on SoundCloud

107 listens, which is the highest I've had in the two months or so that I've been on there. I was encouraged by The Crookery to pull my finger out and get some more songs online. I'd got an acoustic version of Sha-La-La almost ready to go, but I didn't think it would make a lot of sense without the original New Wave version. So in a storming session on Monday I tracked and mixed the whole thing, eventually finished at 2am Tuesday morning. It's not the best mix I've ever done, and I'm slightly underwhelmed at the quality of Reason's Line 6 guitar amps, but it's not bad for re-starters.

Sha La La (Kowalski mix) by Ligumo

Keen to keep the momentum, I decided to put English Melodrama online too. I'd been working on this about a month ago, and had it fully recorded and just needing mixing. I'm not very pleased with the lead vocal on it, and I may do it again. I used my new Shure SM58 on both this and Sha La La, but I'm not sure yet whether I like the sound of it or now - or perhaps I need to change my technique to get the best results. Again, more practice using Reason's SSL mixer was good. It's certainly a lot different to the plug-in based approach I was used to in Cubase, but I'm starting to get there. I'll be returning to mix it better at a later point.

English Melodrama (Rough Mix) by Ligumo

Finally, the acoustic version of Sha-La-La, which has been three years in the making. It was only meant to be a different version, the New Wave one should be considered the 'Main' one.

Sha La La (Acoustic Version) by Ligumo

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